Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Google Glass software update adds Google+ notifications, limits background uploads

Google Glass box (560px)
If you're lucky enough to be an early Google Glass owner, you might want to glance at device settings to see what software your headset is running. According to reports, Google is tonight pushing out a new update, XE5, that contains a number of bug fixes, optimizations, and other changes. First, Google is implementing a new rule on where and when Glass can upload data in the background. From now on, apps will only be able to do so while Glass is connected to both a power source and a local Wi-Fi network. Google doesn't outline exactly why it's suddenly adopting a strict stance on this.
Additionally, Glass now displays incoming Google+ notifications for Hangouts, mentions, comments, and shares. You can even +1 and comment on posts through Glass. And while the update doesn't impact battery longevity directly, Google says its percentage indicator is now more accurate. Transcription of user queries and messages is also "wicked fast" according to the changelog acquired by Phandroid:

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